Welcome to YOUR journey

There are still many people out there who believe that creativity is a talent and not learnable. But it is! It’s a way to think, no matter if we talk about you as an artist, your personal life, your career goals or your brand. I want to explain you everything I’ve learned every single day about creativity in four different topics. 

Content Journey

Is Instagram already dead?

During the last couple of years, Instagram changed a lot. We have to fight against an ...

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Personal Journey


In this article, I would like to answer one of the most common questions. So many ...

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Business Journey

Personal Branding will change everything

The contemporary century is one of the craziest and most impressive ones. I really often talk ...

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Content Journey

Social Media is going to change everything and I want to help you to crush it with creativity!

Creative Journey

Wouldn’t it be amazing to learn a creative strategy to come up with new ideas no matter if you are an artist, musician or designer

Personal Journey

Creativity increases the happiness of your daily life. Creative daily routines and mindset are really helpful 

Business Journey

How would your Business or Personal Brand look like with new creative ideas and visions?


You have a question? Need a creative Social Media workshop? A speaker for your next event or a personal lesson? Would love to hear from you!